sexta-feira, novembro 30, 2007

Kotick, Matkah's baby, was born in the middle of that confusion, an he was all head and shoulders, with pale, watery blue eyes, as tiny seals must be, but there was something about his coat that made his mother look at him very closely(...) [kotick] There never has been such a thing in the world as a white seal. I can't help that, said Matkah. There's going to be now.
Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Books


Blogger lupuscanissignatus said...

No caso, não foi o acaso nem o ocaso, mas vim retribuir a visita e as palavras...

Porque há sempre (Rudyard Kipling parece que sabe isso!) uma primeira vez...

30 novembro, 2007 22:37  
Blogger icendul said...

bem-vindo: hoje e sempre:)

30 novembro, 2007 22:58  

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